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◎ KBS FM 세상의 모든 음악/┖─ 세모음 앨범 별 듣기

세상의 모든 음악 VOL.1

1-1. Tiger in the night - Mike Batt & Royal Philharmonic Orch.

1-2. Danny Boy - Sheila Ryan

1-3. Kyrie - Iver Kreive & St. Joan of Arc youth gospel choir

1-4. Gypsy Lullaby - Zoe Speaks

1-5. My son - Masatsugu Shinozaki

1-6. A Whiter Shade of Pale - Sara K.

1-7. 후회하지도, 부르지도, 울지도 않으리 - 트리오 릴렉트

1-8. Las Marias - Tish Hinojosa

1-9. Jeg ser sote lam 당신의 소중한 사람 - Susanne Lundeng, violin

1-10. Misa Andina Crumbles of Hope - Anne Marte Slinning

1-11. The Night goes by Rejoiced - Maria Farandouri

1-12. The Waltz of whispers - Michael Hoppe, keyboard & Tim Wheater, alto flute

1-13. The Letter to Chopin - Anna German

1-14. Libertango - The Cello Acoustics

1-15. I Bid you goodnight - Marianne Antonsen

1-16. Chega de Saudade(No more blues) - Dusko Goykovich


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